Cranial osteopathy?

15 answers /

Last post: 18/01/2024 at 12:32 pm

17/11/2017 at 4:43 pm
Has anyone tried it? Struggling with colic, severe reflux and a non settling baby and willing to try anything!
17/11/2017 at 7:25 pm
I'm in the same boat and was considering giving it a go!! Would be interested in hearing what people thought...
17/11/2017 at 7:29 pm
In answer to
I'm in the same boat and was considering giving it a go!! Would be interested in hearing what people thought...
I'm really considering giving them a call tomorrow and booking in! I've read so many good things about it but also feel like I will be even more distraught if it doesn't work haha!
Carole D(24)
17/11/2017 at 7:35 pm
definately worth seeing a cranio saccral chiropractor - works wonders! maybe a few appointments but definately worth it
17/11/2017 at 7:50 pm
ive heard mixed reports but I've literally tried everything else and nothing has worked!! Does it matter on the age of the baby? My boy is 15 weeks!
17/11/2017 at 7:51 pm
I'm going to book tomorrow! My boy is only 4 weeks but been in hospital recently due to his bad reflux!! He's so miserable and never sleeps!!

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17/11/2017 at 8:17 pm
My daughter had very bad colic and we did this. It took about 5 sessions but we found it helped, we got to a point of why not try it as we had nothing to lose. I do think it worked and is worth trying but be patient as it can take a few sessions. Hope your little one settles soon x
17/11/2017 at 8:17 pm
In answer to
My daughter had very bad colic and we did this. It took about 5 sessions but we found it helped, we got to a point of why not try it as we had nothing to lose. I do think it worked and is worth trying but be patient as it can take a few sessions. Hope your little one settles soon x
I'm really glad it worked for your girl! How old was she when you took her? X
17/11/2017 at 8:25 pm
Reflux is the worst! We've been in ans out of hospital from he was 10 days old because of it. He has had an NG tube fitted from he was 6 weeks old as he can't take a bottle. I'm desperate to get rid of it....think I'll be making an apointment at the beginning of the week also!
17/11/2017 at 8:29 pm
In answer to
Reflux is the worst! We've been in ans out of hospital from he was 10 days old because of it. He has had an NG tube fitted from he was 6 weeks old as he can't take a bottle. I'm desperate to get rid of it....think I'll be making an apointment at the beginning of the week also!
Its awful isn't it, George is so distressed and uncomfortable 24/7 I'm lucky if he gets 5 hours of sleep in 24 hours!!! They say it works well for babies who have had a prolonged or very quick traumatic birth. My waters broke and I didn't deliver him till 77 hours later as I had to be induced and they left me too long, was in active labour for 4 hours and pushing for 15 minutes! We both ended up with sepsis and in hospital for 6 days because they left us that long! Hoping he's a good candidate for it! I feel like I should get some to distress myself haha! 🤞
Can't find your answer?
17/11/2017 at 8:44 pm
Jeez that sounds traumatic alright!! I was the opposite, I had a sweep and my waters broke straight away....Cian arrived 1 hour and 6 minutes - thank God because he was a bruiser and weighed 9lb 10oz (ouchie!!) He also had sepsis at 10 days old but the consultant was unable to tell me where it came from!
The poor wee pet, it truly is awful! Cian can only really settle/sleep on his stomach. He is also on a hydrolysed formula for a cows milk allergy....maybe something like that would help your wee boy??
17/11/2017 at 8:57 pm
In answer to
Jeez that sounds traumatic alright!! I was the opposite, I had a sweep and my waters broke straight away....Cian arrived 1 hour and 6 minutes - thank God because he was a bruiser and weighed 9lb 10oz (ouchie!!) He also had sepsis at 10 days old but the consultant was unable to tell me where it came from!
The poor wee pet, it truly is awful! Cian can only really settle/sleep on his stomach. He is also on a hydrolysed formula for a cows milk allergy....maybe something like that would help your wee boy??
Wow that was fast he's probably a good candidate for the treatment then! George was 8 pound 3 so not too bad! It actually would make sense because he does only really settle on my chest, I may give it a go it just scares me that he will move his head and not be able to breathe! I changed his milk to anti reflux milk to try that but he just became really disinterested in feeding really then I took him into hospital after 48 hours of him screaming and not wanting to eat then went completely floppy and unresponsive on me and I rushed him into a&e! They said he was probably exhausted but its made me paranoid itll happen again! They put him back on the normal sma and he seems to be better with feeding, started him on gaviscon too but it doesn't seem to be doing much his reflux is still bad! I am thinking maybe a milk allergy may be his problem but I don't want to keep swapping his milk so I'm trying everything possible before going down the route of another milk! He's only 4 weeks and he feeds every 2/3 hours but has 4oz he's such a comfort eater which makes everything worse for his reflux!! Feel like nothing I'm doing is helping him they said to stop feeding him as often and feed him every 4 hours but he just screams!! 😭
17/11/2017 at 9:13 pm
I think I spent the first 5 weeks with Cian on my chest because it was the only thing that stopped him from crying!! The belly sleeping is scary, I've spent manys a night sitting watching him sleep, even now I don't really sleep....just dose! Lol
That would scare the life out of anyone, going floppy and unresponsive! I would maybe ask for something stronger than gaviscon? We're on omeprazole which has definitely helped! Although feeding for us is still a disaster - I'm lucky to get 20 MLS in per feed.
The milks are a case of trial and error to see which works best plus they can also make reflux worse as they are so thin! George is still so young, hopefully in a few weeks you will see an improvement in him. I know what it's like, there's been manys a night I've been in tears with him.
17/11/2017 at 9:19 pm
In answer to
I think I spent the first 5 weeks with Cian on my chest because it was the only thing that stopped him from crying!! The belly sleeping is scary, I've spent manys a night sitting watching him sleep, even now I don't really sleep....just dose! Lol
That would scare the life out of anyone, going floppy and unresponsive! I would maybe ask for something stronger than gaviscon? We're on omeprazole which has definitely helped! Although feeding for us is still a disaster - I'm lucky to get 20 MLS in per feed.
The milks are a case of trial and error to see which works best plus they can also make reflux worse as they are so thin! George is still so young, hopefully in a few weeks you will see an improvement in him. I know what it's like, there's been manys a night I've been in tears with him.
He's just gone down now but is still constantly grunting and will be awake in 30 mins but I will be trying him on his belly if he wakes! Hopefully Cian will be soon growing out of it! It's just awful seeing them so distressed with nothing you can do! I'm going to see if I can get something stronger from the doctors yeah because I feel like gaviscon is pointless! Fingers crossed this osteopathy works for both of our boys!! Don't think I could cope seeing George like this as long as you have with Cian, major points to you!
SUE B(21)
Sue B(21)
18/01/2024 at 12:32 pm

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging time with your baby. Many parents have explored various approaches to help with colic, severe reflux, and unsettled babies. You may find cranial osteopathy to be a valuable option to explore. Many parents have turned to this gentle and non-invasive therapy with positive outcomes. Here's why cranial osteopathy might be a promising choice:

  1. Gentle and Non-Invasive: Cranial osteopathy involves gentle manual techniques that are safe and suitable for even the youngest of infants. It's comforting to know that it won't cause any harm or discomfort to your baby.
  2. Colic Relief: Parents have reported that cranial osteopathy helped soothe their babies suffering from colic. By addressing tension and imbalances in the head and body, it may alleviate some of the distressing symptoms associated with colic.
  3. Reflux Management: For babies with severe reflux, cranial osteopathy may offer relief. It can help release tension and promote relaxation, potentially reducing the discomfort caused by reflux.
  4. Unsettled Babies: If your baby seems constantly fussy and unsettled, cranial osteopathy might help. By creating a sense of calm and comfort through gentle adjustments, it may lead to a happier, more content baby.
  5. Holistic Approach: Cranial osteopathy takes a holistic approach to your baby's well-being. It focuses not only on symptom relief but also on addressing the underlying causes of discomfort, which can be a game-changer for many families.

Before you decide, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional who specialises in paediatric care. They can assess your baby's unique situation and determine whether cranial osteopathy is suitable.

To explore this option further, consider reaching out to Broadwater Osteopathic Practice, a clinic with a track record of providing excellent osteopathic care to babies and families. They can provide you with more information about their services and help you schedule an appointment: Broadwater Osteopathic Practice.

Your baby's comfort and well-being are paramount, and cranial osteopathy could be the gentle solution you've been seeking to help your little one thrive.


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