6DPO: pregnancy symptoms and testing at six days post ovulation

Last modified on Monday 19 December 2022

Calendar with ovulation test

Wondering what symptoms to expect at 6dpo? Want to know if it's too early to take a pregnancy test? Here's everything you need to know about what to expect at six days post ovulation.

When you're trying for a baby, terms like 'dpo' and 'days post ovulation' start popping up and feeling more familiar. If you're new to pregnancy-talk then these both refer to the number of days that have passed since you last ovulated. It's a useful number, used to determine when you should take a pregnancy test and when you might start expecting pregnancy symptoms to pop up.

To calculate how many days post ovulation you are, it goes without saying that you'll need to know when you actually ovulated. Ovulation generally takes place mid-cycle, but this will vary according to the length of your cycle. The NHS says that ovulation usually occurs about two weeks before your next period. Why not read more how ovulation works, or use our ovulation calculator to check your own dates?

If you know that you're six days post ovulation (6dpo), you may be on the lookout for any tell-tale signs of pregnancy. Well we've looked at research from the NHSHealthline and other experts, so that we can help you know what to expect...


What's happening in my body at 6dpo?

At 6dpo you could be on the verge of some exciting changes happening in your body that could lead to pregnancy – in fact, it could have already happened! It has been six days since you ovulated and we know you're dying to know if your egg was fertilised and whether you're pregnant.

A lot has been happening in your body leading up to today. Keep in mind that the following will depend on when you last had sex and how long your cycle normally is.

At 6dpo these are the possible scenarios happening in your body:

  • Six days ago your ovaries released an egg but it wasn't fertilised in time, so it continued to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus and will leave your body with your next period. (Unfortunately, this scenario means that you're not pregnant this month)
  • Six days ago your ovaries released an egg and because you had sex in your fertile window sperm intercepted and fertilised your egg soon after it was released. It's now nearly at the uterus and will try to implant into the lining of your womb. (In this scenario you're still not pregnant yet, but there is a chance that in a few days you could be!)
  • Six days ago your ovaries released an egg. It was fertilised and travelled down the fallopian tube and entered the uterus where it has successfully implanted into the lining of your womb (Congratulations - This scenario means you are officially pregnant!)

Here's how it works:

Ovulation happens mid-cycle. This is when your ovaries release an egg. Hopefully you had plenty of sex leading up to your ovulation date. Your 'fertile window' was during the five days leading up to ovulation, plus the day of ovulation and the day after, so seven days in total.

Sperm can live up to five days inside your body, so having lots of sex during your fertile window gives you the best chance of your egg being fertilised. If sperm fertilised your egg during this time it's called 'conception'.

Your egg, regardless of whether it was fertilised or not will continue to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. And this is exactly what's happening in your body right now!

When it gets there, what happens next will depend on whether the egg was fertilised or not. If it wasn't, then it will leave your body along with the lining of your uterus when you have your period. If it was fertilised, then it will attempt to burrow into the wall of the uterus, and if it succeeds, this is called 'implantation'.

In general, implantation usually happens somewhere between 6 - 12 days past ovulation (6dpo - 12dpo). So although it's possible that it could have happened at 6dpo, it's more likely that there's a few more days to go.

It's only after implantation has happened that your body will start to produce the pregnancy hormone, or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The pregnancy hormone is what triggers early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, sore breasts and fatigue. It is also what a pregnancy test will detect later on to give you your bfp (big fat positive).

Even if a fertilised egg has already implanted in your womb, it'll be a little while before you can use a pregnancy test though, because it takes time for hCG levels to build up in your body. According to Healthline, it takes about 7-12 days after implantation for hCG levels to be detectable. That's anything from 13dpo onwards, or around the time that your period would be due.

What symptoms might I experience at 6dpo?

6dpo is a really exciting time because it's possible that implantation has taken place and you could officially be pregnant! It's still very early days though, and even if implantation has happened, it's unlikely that you'll be experiencing any pregnancy symptoms just yet. This is because it takes time for hCG to rise and start having an effect on your body.

However, it's not impossible that you may start experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms around now. According to the NHS, the main early symptoms of pregnancy to watch out for are:

  • feeling or being sick
  • feeling more tired than usual
  • sore or tender breasts
  • peeing more often
  • strange tastes, smells or cravings

Learn more about the early signs of pregnancy.

What do other Netmums experience?

We bet you're itching to know what symptoms other women might be experiencing, so we've collected some quotes from the Netmums Forum, sharing real-life experiences at 6dpo:

'Just wondered what anyone else was feeling at 6 dpo? I have been having cramping up until now and over the last few days have felt sick at times and have mild headaches.  Not reading too much into but interest to know how others feel xx' (Pregnancy not confirmed)

Hayley O(29)

'Hi I am also 6 dpo , I keep getting a few cramps and the top of my chest and back feels really tight like I have been lifting weights and have had thick cm ! Just want this week to hurry up so I can test' (Pregnancy not confirmed)


'Hi there, well at 6 dpo I had slight crapmping, 8dpo tingly nipples started, 10 dpo my nausea started and by 12 dpo my boobs were looking a alot fuller. They say you can experience mild symptoms from conception if your very in tune with your body and implantation of the egg occurs between days 7-10 according to some sites so it would make sense my symptoms hit me like a train around then!! I had a chemical pregnancy in dec so don't want to test to early in case this little bean doesn't stick either! Good luck and baby dust to all!!' (Pregnancy not confirmed)


'Heya. Been using ov sticks and think that I ov'ed last Saturday, so that would make me 6dpo ish today. Yesterday morning I had some CM with a few streaks of pink blood in it (nothing since though). So being a pee stick addict I used one of my 10 miu sticks, fully expecting it to be neg, as I know its way to early for anything to show. I just needed to satisfy the urge to use one! Anyways, I did the test, went downstairs to boil the kettle to make a cuppa. When I came upstairs, so only a minute or so after doing test, it was a faint but def visible bfp.
I showed it to DH and he could see the second line too, but has told me not to get my hopes up.' (Pregnancy not confirmed)

Vikki M

'I'm 6 DPO and have had a few funny feelings the last day or two like sore boobs and twinges and a dull like period paid but something has just occurred to me!!!!! In the last 24hrs my nose is so itchy! It's right inside my nostrils!! I've just googled it would u believe it the first thing that comes up is pregnancy Rhinitis!! Anyone else experienced this?' (Pregnancy not confirmed)


Can I take a pregnancy test at 6dpo?

It's possible that your egg could have implanted early and that you're officially pregnant, but sorry to be the bearer of bad news, it's still a bit too soon to take a pregnancy test. We know – how maddening!

The NHS recommends taking a pregnancy test from the day your period is due, which is typically about 14dpo for someone on an average 28-day cycle, so you have a bit of a wait ahead of you.

It's true, extra-sensitive tests can be taken as early as 9dpo, but we recommend waiting at least until your period is due if you want more accurate results.

Even if implantation has taken place and your body has started to produce hCG, the pregnancy hormone, it needs time to build up in your system before a pregnancy test would be able to detect it and give you your bfp (big fat positive).

Learn more about when to take a pregnancy test.

How can I get through the TWW?

The dreaded two-week-wait is upon you, and it feels like a great expanse of time that'll never end. Yes, the TTW is going to be hard, but you'll get through it with a little bit of love. Our advice is to be kind to yourself and find plenty of healthy and constructive distractions to help pass the time more quickly.

This is the time to get down to the library and take out a really good book or box set. It's the time to find a new game to download onto your phone for those times when you find yourself scrolling through pregnancy forums looking for hope.

Ooh, maybe it's time to get onboard with a home project you've been meaning to get done? Like clearing out the old and making space for all the cute new baby stuff you want to get! Baby craft projects are also a fun way to pacify your baby-urges, so get into knitting, it's relaxing and rewarding.

If distractions just aren't enough though, and you find yourself unable to stop obsessing, just know that it's perfectly normal, and every woman does it. Perhaps you'll find more comfort in chatting with other Netmums in our Forum? We totally recommend chatting about your symptoms and finding buddies to support you through the TWW by joining a Trying To Conceive Club in the Netmums Forum!

One thing we definitely don't recommend is testing too early. There's just no point, and any bfn (big fat negative) result would be meaningless anyway. Just wait a little longer, it'll be worth it!

Check out our other top tips for surviving the TWW instead.

More on DPO

If you want to keep an eye on your potential pregnancy symptoms and what's going in your body on each day post ovulation, check out our articles from day 1 to 19:


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